Friday 5 March 2010

Brief Evaluation

On the day of filming, I was both psyched to work on the product in such a hands-on way, to put ideas into action and to see our film finally coming to shape.
The filming took place at Laura Porter's house, as it was spacious ad well equipped for what we needed.
The continuity task allowed us as a group to pick up on each others strengths and/or weaknesses and we were able to play to our own advantage with this knowledge. We all took a part in the filming process and at times switched tasks so that we could all get a feel for the jobs that needed to be carried out. This was a good way to go about the filming process as it meant we could all have a go with the camera and could all have our creative input put to the fore-front in order to showcase the final product in an effective and original way.
Overall, the filming went smoothly. A slight delay at the beginning as the camera battery had no charge (easily overcome by keeping the camera plugged in to the nearest socket to where the filming was took place).
There were a couple of hick-ups during the process, but nothing major; simply zooming the wrong way, having a scene take place and not having the camera on record and leaving the camera on record by accident, only to get a few minutes of unnecessary footage.
When editing the film, we soon realised that we had made a few bad choices, such as the hand held camera for the over shoulder shots; as the shots turned out quite wobbly, using the tripod would have been a safer option. There was also a shot near the end of William and Amelia kissing, which we had to cut up to make it look 'right', however in doing this we had an odd bit of recording, whereby Laura was stood at the side one second and vanishes from the shot for the next section. We only noticed this however, on the last week of editing.
However, upon evaluation, we did get a lot of nice shots and as a group we are proud of the final piece.

Prior to the editing stage, we were given a quick lesson on the basics of editing (we made a short trailer from a few clips that had been provided).
The editing took longer than we had originally anticipated for a number of reasons:
  • As the first group to film, we were well ahead of schedule, therefore we didnt edit at the pace that would have been expected of us.
  • The process of making parts black and white while pciking up the purple proved to be a difficult task and it took a while to get to know how to do it.
  • Some of the transitions didnt want to work at the begining of the editing process and we had to figure out a way around that.

Overall the editing went well, there were a couple of dodgy moments, such as the shot that was split near the end of William and Amelia kissing, this could have been a lot more smooth, however i put this down to filming more than editing.

I thought that what worked well was the purple theme, the colour being all that stood out from the black and white background, i thought this was a very original and quite creative idea...and credit for this idea goes to Laura Porter.

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