Friday 27 November 2009

Continuity Piece

Although it was quite a sharp awakening as to what is to come in filming the opening sequence of our film, I thoroughly enjoyed doing this piece (this could have something to do with the good company I was in while making it, with the group consisting of Laura, Charlotte and I).
As soon as we were given the task, the idea just started flowing from us; we were bouncing off each other’s ideas and adding detail in order to refine them.
The key elements that we had to include were match-on-action, comply with the 180 degree rule and we had to show we have a clear understanding of camera positions and angles by using a variety of these.
The final Idea that we had was to have two girls exchanging drugs in a toilet, with another girl seeing what has happened only to hurry out of the girls toilets.
We managed to stick to the elements held within the task by using match-on-action for the girls toilet door and for the exchange of the drugs, we managed to stick to the 180 degree rule and we used a wide variety of shots. Some of the shots that we used were: a long shot of one of the girls making her way down the stairs, a close-up of the phones, over shoulder shot of the worried drug dealer and druggy, a medium shot of the girl coming out of a cubicle and a two-shot of the two girls talking. We also used panning in order to follow the characters to their destinations.
Overall, I would say that this piece went well, we face a couple of challenges along the way, however it was nothing that couldn’t be dealt with.

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