Friday 18 December 2009

Our Pitch and Ideas

Why we did the pitch.
This was in order to get feedback and opinions from those in the class, and to almost be 'judged' by our peers. It was a way inwhich to present our ideas to those that the movie would be aimed at and also gave us a way to bring out ideas together in a concise way in order to pick up on loose ends and tie it all togther.

For The Pitch, we created a powerpoint presentation,

Story Idea 1
Kimberly and William meet at a party. Unfortunately, to the horror of Kimberly, William has already got a girlfriend. William breaks up with Amelia (his girlfriend) and decided to meet up with Kimberly again. They both hit it of like a house on fire, and William asks Kimberly out on a date. The date goes fanatically at the start, however Amelia decided to take revenge on the ‘bitch’ who stole her boyfriend. And humiliates Kimberly in front of 300 people. William turned down Amelia and stays with Kimberly.

Story Idea 2
The second idea for our story is a teenage girl, Elizabeth (Lizzie) Clark, who is really into performing arts. She goes to an audition at her college and a few weeks later she gets a letter in the post telling her that she hasn’t made it into the musical. Inside the letter is a handwritten message form the producer, Alfred (Alfie) Jones, of this particular play. This message tells her that the producer is composing the next big musical in the West End and would like Lizzie to play the lead role. She agrees and the two of them end up getting married.

Story Idea 3
Emily Baker and Edward Percy live in Dartmoor (countryside) and they are engaged to be married. The couple move to the city of London as they are both offered substantially better jobs there. However, there lifestyles differ so much from the peaceful and lied back life of the countryside to the busy life of London, their relationship fall under stain.Edward throws himself head first into the nightlife of the city and find that there's more to life then having a nuclear family. He meets a very beautiful girl called Verity, he forgets all his responsibilities and doesn’t turn up at their apartment until 3 days later.Emily and Edward spilt, Edward goes on the marry Verity (who goes on to become a lesbian). Emily tried dating, but eventually found love in an unexpected place, the convent.

Story Idea 4
Bijen Madalinci is an introvert, hard working, aspiring best-selling author, whose books always end up with bad reviews. After her latest fail, Bijen’s agent tells her to go out and live more in order to gain inspiration for a great book. This is what Bijen does, she goes top the bar that she went to in order to celebrate the publishing of her book, the same place in which she met Jamie Dunn, the bar tender who is care-free, enjoys life and is always up for a laugh. She begins a relationship with Jamie and uses it for her book, she reflects her relationship within the book. Bijen ponders over whether or not to publish the book, however her agent publishes for her anyway…without Bijen knowing! Jamie finds out that the book is about the relationship he shared with her and ends all contact…he then finds out that she never wanted it published and chases Bijen’s love.

Story Idea 5
Georgia is a homeless teenager living on the streets due to her father being in prison and her mother died 2 years ago. The local council helped her out, by giving her a small council flat and got her back into education, so she could get out of her situation. At college, she meets an accidence Lewis (most popular boy in college). They become influctated with each other and start dating. They fall in love, get married, grow old together and die together.Our Main IdeaUnfortunately, we cannot decide upon which idea to carry forward as our main idea, so we have decided to ask you to vote upon which idea you like best and will create a better film.

Story Idea 1: In Detail
Kimberly and William are two completely juxtaposed characters; they meet at a mutual friend party. Unfortunately, however in a slightly embarrassing event William’s true relationship status is revealed leaving Kimberly hanging, alone and confused.
William’s relationship with Amelia (his girlfriend) has already been strained (or on the rocks/cliff) for a while now, and due to a certain circumstance (involving a lot of alcohol and a game of strip poker) the couple finally break up.
Mean while Kimberly keeps on seeing William on a number of occasions and it seems that she cannot escape him. William being the dashing, handsome young man that he, offers to buy Kimberly a cup of coffee, he apologises and explains his new situation. They get on incredibly well and decide to go on their first date together and a new, popular club downtown.
Amelia’s revenge ('Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned‘) is planned and presents it’s self at popular club in front of all Kimberly’s friends.
The climax of the story presents it’s self when William chooses Kimberly over Amelia. The film ends as the couple have a photograph taken of them at a friend’s party, happy and secure.

William’s character
Personality- He can always be found by a crowd and loves attentions. William loves going out to parties and meeting new people. He wears designer clothes that both look good and arte comfortable. William is 18 years old, as he is completing his A2’s.
Family- He live with her mum, dad. Kim’s mother occupation is a home maker and his father’s occupation is the director of the NHS. They live in a mansion on a private road called “Roman Road” – Little Aston
Likes-He likes fine foods, ahs has exquisite expensive taste. William adores sticking to a structured routine, however he does improvise, and every now and the he “takes a walk on the wild side”.
Dislikes- She hates aquard silences and dark rooms. Kimberly also gets jealous of people who have things she wants, however she will never show it (her green monster side).
Job/Education- William used to attend a private school but they didn’t have a sixth form so he decided to attend Birmingham Metropolitan College- Sutton Campus. He has no jobs as his family are extremely rich and doesn’t need to work.
Friends- William has hundreds of friends but none that close, the closest person to William is his girlfriend.

Kimberly’s character
Personality- she is very quiet but when she speaks she draws attention from the crowd (people listen). She has a girlish giggle that causes herself some embarrassment sometimes (as people will suddenly here giggling from out of no where). She chooses to wear comfortable clothing, chooses comfort over fashion. She is 17 years old.
Family- She live with her mum, dad and two brothers, David and Scott. David is 21 and Scott is 14. Kim’s mother occupation is a nurse and her father’s occupation is a local police officer. They live in a small terrist house in Kingstanding.
Likes- She loves marshmallows and Jaffa cakes. She adores spending time with her friends, walking through the park (the it place to be because of them). She’s also an animal fan and sponsors dog’s trust.
Dislikes- She hates aquard silences and dark rooms. Kimberly also gets jealous of people who have things she wants, however she will never show it (her green monster side).
Job/Education- She works part time at her local gym “David Lloyds”, which contributes to her popularity. Kimberly goes to college at Birmingham Metropolitan College- Sutton Campus. Studying AS levels: Music, Art, Psychology and English Literature.
Friends- Crystal and Keeley (best friends). Crystal thinks that Kim needs to speak up a bit more and wear more flattering clothing. Keeley is jealous of Kim as she’s doesn’t try hard to look good, yet she always looks stunning. However she’s known Kim for years and loves her to bits (true friends).

The Locations that the film will be film in/at are as follows:

Laura’s House
Park- Arboretum

The Walsall Arboretum will be the main location for the film, as it is open, close to us and has a long runway going through which is crucial to the film. The mutual friends party will be filmed at Laura’s house as she has bigger rooms to fit the actors and camera equipment in, also so it looks like a realistic house party. The swimming pool will only be used for one scene, where Edward meets Kimberly, in the middle of the film.

For all the above locations we will ask permission from the owners before filming on the land/property.

Opening sequence

Music starts rolling (songbird - all angels, instrumental if can get it).Credits rolling, appearing on different sides of the screen as new names follow each otherr. Meanwhile the background is black and whit. Pan MCU of old, scruffy trainers and shoes, pans onto one pair of beautiful, purple high heel shoes (only colour on screen).Pan MCU of old folders, scruffy and messed up, again black and white background, pan onto an immaculate purple folder.Pan CU of different ties, black and white background, pans onto one purple tie.
CU of purple shoes on girl, zoom out to LS of Kimberly at friends mutual party.
CU of purple tie, zoom out to LS of William at the same party.
LS of William and Kimberly walking into each other, MCU still image of their facial expressions, black and white background again, only colour showing is purple items.
The still image unfreezes, back into normal speed, colours and motions, both walk away from each other, camera zoom out until both characters are out of shot.
Kimberly sees William across the room, plucks up the courage to talk to him. MCU of her facial expressions as she walks towards him, also his expressions. She gets to about a meter away from him and suddenly all you can here is "William, William from off the screen".Over the shoulder shot of Amelia running, hugging and then kissing William then drag him away. CU of Kimberly's reaction, non-diagetic narrator voice, of Kimberly saying, "This is my life...“
End Scene...

Genetic identifiers

Structure- Boy meets girl, obstacle (Amelia), obstacle overcome, get to know each other, makes a public gesture to Kimberly to show his love (choosing Kimberly over Amelia in the crowded club),
Sound- The music is happy, up lifting, developed music when opening credits and through part of first shots.
Pathetic Fallacy- when the characters are having an argument the weather will effect the mood, so it will be dark and quiet e.g. in the club when Amelia publicly humiliates Kimberly, there will be silence in the club and the lights will dim.
Narration- the voice of Kimberly will sometimes be played through the film, to give extra insight into her personality and her thoughts.

Story Idea 2: In Detail

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Clark is in her bathroom one morning singing a romantic song into a hairbrush. She is about to go to college and audition for a part in the next musical to hit the town of Sutton Coldfield. When she arrives at the college she is very nervous and doesn’t think she’ll even be able to get through the first audition.

However, when she begins to sing her song, she catches the eye of the judge, Alfred (Alfie) Jones, and suddenly her confidence boosts. She gets out of the audition feeling a bit more confident in herself yet there is something that still tells her she hasn’t made it through.

In the next 3 weeks she is waiting by the letter box each morning and eventually she receives a letter in the post from the musical company. Unfortunately, Lizzie finds out that she hasn’t got a part in this particular musical and her dreams of being a star are shattered.

When she thinks things could not get any worse, there is a handwritten letter in the same envelope from Alfie explaining the real reason why she hasn’t got a part in the play. Alfie is writing his own musical for London’s West End and has realised the great talent that Lizzie holds and has asked her to be the lead role in his West End show.

Lizzie is over the moon on hearing this news and decides to accept his offer without giving it a second thought. After months of rehearsals and perfecting every tiny detail of the show it is finally opening night. But during these months, Lizzie and Alfie have fallen deeply in love with each other’s charm.

After an amazing first performance, Alfie is exceptionally pleased with Lizzie’s performance and makes a special speech on stage at the end of the show. At the end of his speech, Alfie gets down on one knee and proposes to Lizzie with a full audience watching and to Alfie’s amazement, Lizzie says yes.


16 year old college student at Sutton
Quite timid when first met
Studying A levels in Chemistry, History, Media and Sociology
Has dreams about being a star in the West End
Quite a stable background, Father is a doctor, mother works at a bankFocused on her studies
Would rather spend evening and weekends working than going out
Occasionally enjoys a quiet night in with either the family or a few friends


20 year old musical composer
Idolises Andrew Lloyd Webber
Outgoing young man
Great sense of humour
Dad left when he was young, mother died when he was 9
Started composing music and songs
Left school with no qualifications to achieve his dream of being a composer


Charlotte's house - for the bathroom when Lizzie is getting ready
College lecture theatre - for the auditions, to make it seem more realistic than just a classroom
The reception at college - When she has finished her audition

Opening sequence

There is a romantic love song playing in the background which overlaps with Elizabeth, Lizzie, singing the same song, She is in her bathroom singing into a hair brush and getting ready for her day at college, Birmingham Metropolitan; Sutton Campus. Lizzie then leaves her house and begins walking to the bus stop so as she can get to the auditions a musical held at her college that day. This then transfers to Alfred, Alfie, setting up at the college for auditions for his musical that it going to be shown in Sutton Coldfield and includes local students as it's main cast. This then leads to a bus going past a bus stop leaving Lizzie next to it. Lizzie then receives a text message from her mom wishing her good luck with the audition. The next thing we see the room where the auditions are taking place. Alfie calls Lizzie’s name and she takes her place on the stage. She begins to sing the song she sung at the beginning of the film but in a very nervous state. As soon as she makes eye contact with Alfie, she gets a sudden boost of confidence as if it was magic. After the audition, Lizzie leaves the stage and returns to her friends with a negative feeling about the audition.